Thursday, March 2, 2017

SLT ready for Tier 3 internet data center in Pitipana

N-able Managing Director and Chief Executive Peter D’Almeida, Uptime Institute South Asia Senior Director Patrick Chan,Uptime South Asia Institute Managing Director John Duffin, SLT Group Chief Executive Officer Dileepa Wijesundera, SLT Chief Network Officer Priyantha Fernandez and SLT Group Chief Enterprise Officer Kiththi Perera.

 Sri Lanka Telecom (SLT) will construct a new state-of-the-art Internet Data Center that would enhance the provision of a secure and reliable data hosting facility to Sri Lanka.

The Uptime Institute had recently awarded SLT with the design certification required to carry through the initiative. Having received the go-ahead from global data centre regulating body, SLT is set to construct a large scale state of the art and energy efficient Data Center with world renowned Uptime Tier 3 Certification. Commenting on the upcoming iDC development, Sri Lanka Telecom Group CEO, Dileepa Wijesundera said, “This will spell a revolutionized approach in Sri Lanka’s next step into digitalization and e-Transformational progression. It is vital to note that Sri Lanka is one of the main countries in the region to have embraced this swift approach into the internet-of-things. The government has recognized the need and significance of progressing further and placing the country high up in the region as a major digital hub. At SLT, this establishment drives towards the cloud strategic vision of evolving from the basis of connectivity to the phase of service orientation” 
