Thursday, March 2, 2017

SL under no obligation to gain GSP+ - Harsha

Sri Lanka is under no obligation to anybody outside of sovereign Sri Lanka in getting the GSP+ trade concession which gives access to the European Union, Foreign Affairs Deputy Minister Dr.Harsha De Silva said.

“We’re under no obligation to any foreign body.We are only under obligation to the people of this country and what we are doing is for the people of this country.”

He was speaking at a forum organised by European Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka in partnership with the EU Delegation to Sri Lanka and the Shippers Academy. “Be under no illusion we’re forced by anybody,we’re only forced by the people of this country. Things are moving very well.We are on track. Sri Lanka will do what we have undertaken to do and we re doing what we are doing for ourselves.”

He said government will do what is necessary for its people so that as a positive externality of that Sri Lanka will get the GSP plus concession. 
