Monday, March 20, 2017

Pan Asia Bank holds Central Sales Unit Achievers’ awards ceremony

The Best Sales Team - Cards and BT sales and all winners with the bank’s acting CEO Lalith Jayakody.

Pan Asia Bank recently held its first awards ceremony to recognise the outstanding performers of its Central Sales Unit.

Bank's acting CEO Lalith Jayakody acknowledged and appreciated the contribution made by the Central Sales Unit staff members, towards the bank's robust performance during 2015/2016.

This awards ceremony had been organized to recognize the outstanding contributions made in the spheres of individual sales, team performances, team management, leadership, operational and service excellence.

Pan Asia Bank's CSU division consists of three sub units namely, Consumer Liability sales unit, Credit Cards and Balance Transfer sales unit and Personal Loans sales unit. The awards were presented to the Best Sales Team, Best Sales Staff of the year, Most Promising New Entrant, Best Sales Team Leader under above units.
