The International Day of Forests (IDF) is celebrated globally on March 21 each year under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations.
This global celebration of forests is used as a platform to raise awareness of the importance of all types of forests and of trees outside forests for the benefit of current and future generations. Therefore,on each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local and national efforts to organize activities involving forests and trees under an annual theme.
While this year’s global IDFtheme will concentrate on Forests and Energy, FAO Sri Lanka is joining forces through the Sri Lanka UN-REDD Programme with the Forest Department and Climate Change Secretariat of Sri Lanka, as well as SLYCAN Trust, Thuru App Team and IUCN Sri Lanka to organize a one-minute video competition under the theme: Value of Forests. Market leader of Sri Lanka’s cement industry INSEE Cement has come forward as the private sector sponsor of the event.
“Forests play an important role in fighting global warming and regulating climatic conditions. People all over the world are now uniting to protect existing forests and to increase forested areas in order to face this common threat,” states FAO Representative in Sri Lanka Nina Brandstrup. She further stressed the need to create awareness on the need to protect forests and highlight the benefits forests provide through creative means. The one-minute video competition aims to create awareness on the important role played by forests that include fighting climate change; regulating weather patterns; providing livelihoods; preserving biodiversity; ensuring water security; preventing natural disasters; and maintaining soil quality, among other. The competition, which is open to all citizens of Sri Lanka encourages entrants to develop an MP4 or The winner of the first prize will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs 100,000 by INSEE Cement with the second and third prizes being set at Rs 75,000 and Rs 50,000 respectively .
More information can be obtained on the competition on