Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Commercial Bank rewards vision-impaired students excelled at GCE A/L

The two students with the Bank’s Managing Director Jegan Durairatnam and Deputy General Manager Marketing, Hasrath Munasinghe.

Two bright students who excelled at the GCE Advanced Level examination last year despite vision impairment were rewarded recently by the Commercial Bank of Ceylon with a gift of a laptop each, equipped with software specially designed for visually impaired users.

The Bank’s Managing Director, Jegan Durairatnam presented the laptops to Thanushi Sathsara Mallikarachchi from Southlands College Galle, who achieved the best results in her District and was ranked 18th island-wide; and to Isuru Mahesh Panditha of Ananda College Colombo who was ranked 18th in the District and 85th island-wide at the examination.

Both students completed the examination in the Arts stream. 


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