Thursday, July 29, 2021

Seylan Bank drives mindset change in COVID-19 safety awareness with #ResponsibleMe

AGM Marketing and Sales Gamika de Silva

 Seylan Bank has received massive public support for its #ResponsibleMe campaign, conceptualized to highlight the importance of self-awareness and individual responsibility in ensuring the safety of all Sri Lankan citizens in the COVID-19 pandemic.

The campaign which began internally nearly two months ago has since been amplified on social media and discussed by subject matter experts in public forums and media.

“Even as we battle a new variant of the Coronavirus, non-compliance of the general public in adhering to health guidelines is one of the main reasons attributed to the continued rise in COVID-19 cases in the country. #ResponsibleMe campaign is a way to bring awareness to the need for individual responsibility in responding to the pandemic.

The promise to take personal responsibility for one’s actions to ensure the prevention of spread is a vital mindset change that is difficult but necessary in these challenging times.

“Our small commitments to this promise will have a powerful positive impact on the future of our country,” said Seylan Bank AGM Marketing and Sales Gamika de Silva on the #ResponsibleMe initiative.

It featured discussions by the University of Peradeniya Professor Emeritus Kalinga Tudor Silva and Clinical Psychiatrist Dr Nayanananda Kumaranayake on the public’s lax attitude toward health protocols, from the perspective of pandemic related psychology and mental health challenges leading to such behavioural outcomes.

Prof. Tudor Silva said that “Community Preparedness” is an essential component to fight the pandemic and it was important to take appropriate steps collectively and individually in achieving the objectives of #ResponsibleMe.

Dr Nayanananda Kumaranayake added that people were vulnerable in this restrictive pandemic situation and that individuals must take a stand to fight this. He added that helping Children to understand the pandemic and find their way out during these difficult times is the responsibility of adults.
