Sunday, November 29, 2020

IFC keen on supporting female workforce participation

The IFC is keen to increase women’s participation in the workforce and work to promote more women into business leadership in this country, said Manager Women in Work Program, International Financial Corporation Sarah Twigg.

“This year marks IFC’s 50th years of operations in Sri Lanka. IFC is pleased to be supporting the Women in Management conference this year, through our Women in Work partnership with the Government of Australia.”

“Together we have helped to create an environment for women to thrive and for businesses to reap the benefits of greater gender equality. We have collectively delivered Women on Boards training of trainers’ programs. We’ve launched mentorship initiatives and recognized women’s achievements through the WIM Top50 awards.”

The third WIM Top50 Conference titled under the theme ‘Leading Through Crisis,’ organized by Women in Management (WIM), in partnership with IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and the Australian Government will be held as a virtual forum on December 1, 3, 4 and 5.

The conference will focus on setting the stage on leadership techniques in navigating challenges posed by crises such as COVID-19, followed by inspiring and innovative stories from an eminent panel of business and thought leaders in Sri Lanka and beyond.

“For us, working with partners such as WIM is critical to the success of our programs. We not only focus on delivering for the broader business community, but also building the capacity of our local partners such as WIM, on enhancing technical skills, on transferring knowledge, and all of this means that our efforts will continue to deliver results even after our IFC-DFAT supported projects are complete.”

This conference is an important part of our work with WIM to promote a more gender-equal private sector workforce. It provides a platform through which we can share lessons and experience, both locally as well as from around the world.

This year’s collection of sessions is designed to provide participants with insights, examples and tips for how to successfully navigate COVID-19 and to identify opportunities for professional growth and development.

“We are particularly pleased to be able to share some of our global knowledge and experience, including through sharing access to our COVID-19 guidance notes and tip-sheets which are built across a range of COVID-19 and business-related topics.”

“We cannot continue with business as usual, there is no business as usual, there is no leading as usual.

This is really an opportunity for all of us to take stock of how we can become better, more effective leaders, so I really do encourage everyone to join as many sessions as you can.”
