Tuesday, June 23, 2020

CBSL requests CIABOC to investigate allegations against officials

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) referring to recent allegations on news items published in some print and online media accusing that senior officers of CBSL are obtaining monetary and other benefits from Finance, Leasing and Micro Finance companies has formally requested the “Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption” (CIABOC) to investigate these allegations and take necessary legal action if there is any.

The Daily News Finance on June 18 under the headline, ‘CBSL should vigorously monitor financial companies - Voice Against Corruption’ written by Shirajiv Sirimane also published a story in this regard.

“Some Central Bank officials have taken bribes and other favours from financial companies to create an ‘all clear picture’ in the public, alleged Convener of the Voice Against Corruption, Wasantha Samarasinghe,” the news item said.

Samarasinghe reacting to this investigation said that it’s a very good decision by the CBSL. “If the CIABOC studies the audit reports of several failed Finance companies they could find the names on some of the CBSL officials. “There is one failed Finance company where the Directors of it had paid as much as Rs. 169 million to some CBSL officials as bribes.”
