Monday, November 25, 2019

Mihimandala Environmental Foundation honoured

President, Mihimandala Environmental Foundation Upul Devapriya and members receive the Nelson Mandela Peace Award from High Commissioner of South Africa, Robina P Marks

Mihimandala Environmental Foundation, a leading environmental organization working closely with the corporate sector, was honoured at the recently concluded Nelson Mandela Peace awards at the BMICH recently.

Established in year 2000, the Mihimandala Environmental Foundation won an award under the ‘Social Service and Environmental category’ for their continuous efforts towards the protection of nature and also for their anti AIDS CSR campaign.

Mihimandala is an organization founded by a group of nature lovers to make a stronger voice to protect the environment and both fauna and flora.

Speaking about the recognition Upul Devapriya, President and Media Spokes person of Mihimandala, said that they as a nonprofit organization thanked all who had lent a helping hand towards the success of their genuine effort of protecting mother nature of Sri Lanka.’

“Mihimandala had also planned several awareness campaigns this year too to mark World AIDS Day on December 1.

