Thursday, April 20, 2017

CNCI Achiever Awards - 2017 : Free awareness seminar on April 25

 After launching the “CNCI Achiever Awards - 2017” competition in the month of February 2017, the Ceylon National Chamber of Industries (CNCI) is now in the process of issuing applications to the competitor companies of both service and manufacturing sectors.

Since the Applications for the Achiever Awards competition have been collected by a large number of enthusiastic applicants as at date, the Chamber CNCI has decided to conduct few Awareness Programs for the benefit of all prospected applicants who wish to apply for the competition. The closing date of applications will be May 19, 2016.

The participants will be given awareness on the complete application procedure and its perceived importance on applying for the Award. The particular application covers 12 operational areas, which will be the criteria of selection for the award.

Anyone who applies for the award will thoroughly understand about the standards to be maintained for business success. Whether you win an Award or not at the Final Awards Ceremony, what is more important is for one to participate at the competition which certainly guides them to enter into the correct track to reach the excellence.

The prospected competitors will also learn how to fill and present the relevant application, the methods of calculations, required documentation, the meaning of any technical terms, the judging procedures, compilation of facts etc and also you will be able to clarify any doubts that already have been in the competitors’ minds in filling the applications.

This is the second Awareness seminar in 2017 and the CNCI has arranged the Programme (Entrance Free) to be held on April 25, 2017 and invites all interested individuals to attend at the programme from 9.00 am to 11.30 am at CNCI Auditorium at 20, First Floor, Galle Face Court 2, Colombo 3.

ANCL is the Print Media Sponsor for “Achiever Awards - 2017.
